As regular readers of my non-posting know, I've spent a lot of the past year traveling to do user research.
Part of what all that travel does to you -- or, at least, to me -- is make you value the specificity of your own local life all the more. At my coffee store, this past weekend, not only did the guy behind the counter know what I get and how often I generally come by (Vienna Roast, every other week), but he handed me a box of tissues as a way of gently telling me the cold was making my nose run.
But that also means you value the specificity of other people's local lives, too. And so it was especially heartening, I think, to see the election results come out as clearly a national trend as they were. We're different in a hundred thousand subtle and endlessly fascinating ways, but in the end, there are some things Americans can agree on, and that's just got to give you hope.